THURSDAY January 30th at 7pm: Monsters & Myth - THE FURIES pt2

"Wrath of the hell hags"
Monsters & Mythology

The Furies... three brass-winged hell hags whose mission it is to torment those who have especially displeased Hades. These three sisters, Tis, Ally, and Meg, take pride in raking flesh off condemned men, leaving them to suffer throughout eternity. When his so Apollo is wronged, Zeus borrows the hags from Hades to avenge him. The Furies are thus unleashed on an unsuspecting world; they fly over the land wielding their whips and claws, tearing apart anyone who dares to stand in their way. The Furies' main quarry is Helios, the original sun god, who has stolen back Apollo's sun chariot in order to take his newly found daughter, Circe, for a joyride through the skies. After being knocked out of his chariot by a thunderbolt from Zeus, Helios disappears, trying to escape from the vicious sisters. While hunting desperately for her father, Circe meets Dione, the Oak Goddess, who teaches the young girl all about good magic, the only thing that can save her father from the wrath of the hell hags. The story of the Furies takes place in a jealous, vengeful world full of deceit, trickery, and danger. But it is a world of beauty, too; for out of its depths rises a young girl, Circe, whose love for her father outweighs all of the horrors that lie in her path to happiness.

Book: Monsters & Myth - THE FURIES Author: Bernard Evslin

Join us in Second Life & Kitely

WEDNESDAY, January 29th at 7PM: THE STARLESS SEA Continues

Zachary Ezra Rawlins has stepped through a doorway to an ancient library hidden far below the surface of the earth, in search of a key, a bee, and a sword, and pursuing the mystery of a book which seems to contain his own story.

A timeless love story set in a secret underground world—a place of pirates, painters, lovers, liars, and ships that sail upon a starless sea.

Caledonia presents selected adventures from Erin Morgenstern's new work, live on stream.

TUESDAY, January 28th at 7PM: THE DAUGHTER OF ODREN ~ Part 1

Master storyteller Ursula K. LeGuin takes readers back to Earthsea with this hauntingly beautiful tale of betrayal and revenge.

For fourteen years, Weed, as she is called, the daughter of Lord Garnet, has brought offerings to the standing stone. Alone in a shallow valley, she implores the stone not to forget her. To remember who he is and the life he led. To wait until the day he will be avenged.
Now the day has finally arrived. After fourteen long years of waiting, he will have his revenge and she will have her father back. Or will she? (portions of this summary courtesy of Inara Pey)
Willow Moonlight makes her Seanchai Library debut presenting this adventure in two parts, beginning tonight, live on stream.

MONDAY January 27th at 7pm: THE INTEGRAL TREES

by Larry Niven -


A gigantic torus of air circling a star seemed an ideal place for a starship mutiny.  Now, 200 years later,  the expedition's descendants are still learning to survive in this strange place.


SUNDAY, January 26th at 1:30pm: TEA TIME at The Night Circus

Today, we visit a different thread of the story . . . 

Penelope Aislin Murray and Winston Aidan Murray, better known as Poppet and Widget, were born in Le Cirque des Rêves on opening night. One was born before midnight, and the other after - one sees the past, and the other the future. Poppet foresees the destruction of the central bonfire, as well as the intervention of a young man who she later identifies as Bailey Clarke. The three young people's fates are tied together, and the Circus' ultimate salvation rests with them. 

Kayden Oconnell & Caledonia Skytower present selections from Erin Morgenstern's 2011 debut novel about magic, ambition, illusion, and love (mostly love, really) all wrapped up in a mysterious nocturnal circus.

Presented live on stream in the Seanchai Fireside Room

THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds


All times slt/Pacific Time. 
Story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

Kayden and Caledonia present selections from "The Night Circus"

*SUNDAY - January 26th:
 ~ at 1:30pm:  TEA TIME at The Night Circus. Caledonia Skytower and Kayden Oconnell, live on stream, with selections from Erin Morgenstern's 2011 debut novel.
at 6:30pm:  MAGICLAND STORYTIME: "The Secret Garden" Continues. Caledonia Skytower, live on stream at The Golden Horseshoe at Magicland Park. 
*MONDAY - January 27th, at 7pm:  INTEGRAL TREES by Larry Niven, continues with Gyro Muggins.

*TUESDAY, January 28th, at 7pm: Ursula LeGuin's THE DAUGHTER OF ODREN - Part 1 (of 2) with Willow Moonlight, live on stream.

*WEDNESDAY, January 29th at 7pm: Erin Morgenstern's THE STARLESS SEA. Caledonia continues, live on stream.

January 30th: 

   ~ at 7pm: THE FURIES - Part 2, Myths and Legends with Shandon Loring. (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

   ~ at 9pm: SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT, Contemporary Sci-Fi-Fantasy from online sources such as Light Speed, Escape Pod, and Clarkesworld presented by Finn  Zeddmore.

READ AHEAD: We recommend you check out some background information on the story and Seanchai Library's presentation series of it at or click on this image in the right hand side bar.

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

THURSDAY January 23rd at 7pm: Monsters & Myth - THE FURIES pt1

"Wrath of the hell hags"
Monsters & Mythology

The Furies... three brass-winged hell hags whose mission it is to torment those who have especially displeased Hades. These three sisters, Tis, Ally, and Meg, take pride in raking flesh off condemned men, leaving them to suffer throughout eternity. When his so Apollo is wronged, Zeus borrows the hags from Hades to avenge him. The Furies are thus unleashed on an unsuspecting world; they fly over the land wielding their whips and claws, tearing apart anyone who dares to stand in their way. The Furies' main quarry is Helios, the original sun god, who has stolen back Apollo's sun chariot in order to take his newly found daughter, Circe, for a joyride through the skies. After being knocked out of his chariot by a thunderbolt from Zeus, Helios disappears, trying to escape from the vicious sisters. While hunting desperately for her father, Circe meets Dione, the Oak Goddess, who teaches the young girl all about good magic, the only thing that can save her father from the wrath of the hell hags. The story of the Furies takes place in a jealous, vengeful world full of deceit, trickery, and danger. But it is a world of beauty, too; for out of its depths rises a young girl, Circe, whose love for her father outweighs all of the horrors that lie in her path to happiness.

Book: Monsters & Myth - THE FURIES Author: Bernard Evslin

Join us in Second Life & Kitely

WEDNESDAY, January 22nd at 7:00pm: THE STARLESS SEA Continues

A timeless love story set in a secret underground world—a place of pirates, painters, lovers, liars, and ships that sail upon a starless sea.

Zachary Ezra Rawlins is a graduate student in Vermont when he discovers a mysterious book hidden in the stacks. As he turns the pages, entranced by tales of lovelorn prisoners, key collectors, and nameless acolytes, he reads something strange: a story from his own childhood. Bewildered by this inexplicable book and desperate to make sense of how his own life came to be recorded, Zachary uncovers a series of clues—a bee, a key, and a sword—that lead him to a masquerade party in New York, to a secret club, and through a doorway to an ancient library hidden far below the surface of the earth. 

Caledonia presents selected adventures from Erin Morgenstern's new work, live on stream.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 21ST at 7PM: THE SPACE AT TINSORI LIGHT - More from the Liaden Universe ®

Ktadhn Vesuvino reads a short story by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, set in their Liaden Universe®.
Former Scout Jen Sin yos’Phelium, recalled by Korval to serve the Clan, is ordered to discretely deliver a packet to Clan Sinan on Delium. It sounded easy enough, other than the fact that Clan Sinan was having trouble with their allies – a situation that puts Jen on edge and determined not to see the delivery leave him getting separated from his ability to remain alive.
Unfortunately, things do not go well, and Jens is forced to make an emergency star jump, his ship under threat. He finds himself arriving near the deserted Tinsori Light station. With his ship damaged and rescue dependent on his survival, Jens must board the station. In doing so, he discovers Old Tech, a reminder of the Legacy Systems left over from previous wars. Nor is that all, as he discovers the station might be haunted… (Summary courtesy of Inara Pey)
Ktadhn Vesuvino live on stream.

MONDAY January 20th at 7pm: THE INTEGRAL TREES

by Larry Niven -


A gigantic torus of air circling a star seemed an ideal place for a starship mutiny.  Now, 200 years later,  the expedition's descendants are still learning to survive in this strange place.


SUNDAY, January 19th at 1:30pm: TEA TIME at The Night Circus

"The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it, no paper notices on downtown posts and billboards, no mentions or advertisements in local newspapers. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not." 

Kayden Oconnell & Caledonia Skytower present selections from Erin Morgenstern's 2011 debut novel about magic, ambition, illusion, and love (mostly love, really) all wrapped up in a mysterious nocturnal circus.

Presented live on stream in the Seanchai Fireside Room

THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds


All times slt/Pacific Time. 
Story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

Caledonia continues to present "The Starless Sea"

*SUNDAY - January 19th, at 1:30pm:  TEA TIME at The Night Circus. Caledonia Skytower and Kayden Oconnell, live on stream, with selections from Erin Morgenstern's 2011 debut novel.

*MONDAY - January 20th, at 7pm:  INTEGRAL TREES by Larry Niven.  Gyro Muggins continues his newest series.

*TUESDAY, January 21st, at 7pm: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller's THE SPACE AT TINSORI LIGHT - More from Liaden Universe with Ktadhn Vesuvino, live on stream.

*WEDNESDAY, January 22nd, at 7pm: Erin Morgenstern's THE STARLESS SEA. Caledonia continues, live on stream.

January 23rd, at 7pm: THE FURIES - Part 1, Myths and Legends with Shandon Loring. (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

(above) snapshots from HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDGAR ALLAN POE!

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

FRIDAY, January 17th at 7pm - A Special Event: HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDGAR ALLAN POE!

Sunday is EAP's birthday. That's right!  Mrs. Poe's bouncing baby boy Eddie would be 211! 

Oh my. That's pretty "mature." And we bought all that Absinthe too. Wellll we are going to cut some cake and celebrate anyway as Shandon and Caledonia Share some selected works, live. Come lift a glass to honor the Master of the Macabre!

THURSDAY January 16th at 7pm: VIVIAN

"Being A Hero Comes At A Price"

Tonight we explore the complications of a man trying to be heroic, but unable to do it alone. It is said that behind every good man there is someone else making him possible. So what does Robin owe to the fantastic? How does he manage between wanting to be that hero and knowing that when he does becomes successful, it comes at the price of another.
Book: Robin Hood Anthology Editor: Martin Greenberg Author: Midor Snyder

Join us in Second Life and Kitely

WEDNESDAY, January 15th at 7pm: THE STARLESS SEA Continues

A Bee, a Key, and a Sword.  What can they mean?

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Circus, a timeless love story set in a secret underground world—a place of pirates, painters, lovers, liars, and ships that sail upon a starless sea.

Zachary Ezra Rawlins is a graduate student in Vermont when he discovers a mysterious book hidden in the stacks. As he turns the pages, entranced by tales of lovelorn prisoners, key collectors, and nameless acolytes, he reads something strange: a story from his own childhood. Bewildered by this inexplicable book and desperate to make sense of how his own life came to be recorded, Zachary uncovers a series of clues—a bee, a key, and a sword—that lead him to a masquerade party in New York, to a secret club, and through a doorway to an ancient library hidden far below the surface of the earth. 

Caledonia presents selected adventures from Erin Morgenstern's new work, live on stream.

TUESDAY, January 14th at 7pm: CUTTING CORNERS with Ktadhn

Ktadhn Vesuvino reads a short story by Sharon lee and Steve Miller, set in their Liaden Universe®.

Therny Chirs, cargo master and  – certification allowing – a Third Class pilot – does not have a particularly happy lot. Signed aboard the cargo hauler Fringe Runner, operated by the skinflint Captain Jad, Chirs finds himself becoming a jack of all trades – cargo master, engineer and general fixer, with or without certification, on a ship that is so far past recognized periods of refit / overhaul, its name might well be “cutting corners” – an act generally frowned upon when it comes to operating in the cold and impersonal realm of space.
However, the current issue on the Fringe Runner isn’t one to be solved easily. It really requires a certified engineer – or at least time spent shunting stuff around from outside, which itself would require a dock pilot. Neither option is liable to by something Jad will pay for. Fortunately, Chirs has his Third Class pilot’s rating; only it’s dated, and the local Guild require he take a re-certification test. But is it really just a test, or is something else going on? (Summary courtesy of Inara Pey)
Ktadhn Vesuvino live on stream.

MONDAY January 13th at 7pm: THE INTEGRAL TREES

by Larry Niven -


A gigantic torus of air circling a star seemed an ideal place for a starship mutiny.  Now, 200 years later,  the expedition's descendants are still learning to survive in this strange place.


THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds


All times slt/Pacific Time. 
Story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

Shandon presents "Ancient Fires" 1.9.20

*SUNDAY - January 12th, at 6:30pm:  MAGICLAND STORYTIME: "The Secret Garden" Begins.  Caledonia Skytower, live on stream at The Golden Horseshoe at Magicland Park.

*MONDAY - January 13th, at 7pm:  INTEGRAL TREES by Larry Niven.  Gyro Muggins continues his newest series.

*TUESDAY, January 14th, at 7pm: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller's CUTTING CORNERS from Liaden Universe Constellation #4 with Ktadhn Vesuvino.

*WEDNESDAY, January 15th, at 7pm: Erin Morgenstern's THE STARLESS SEA. Caledonia continues this series featuring selections from the new book by the author of THE NIGHT CIRCUS.

January 16th:

   ~ at 7pm: Midor Snyder's VIVIAN with Shandon Loring. (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

   ~ at 9pm: SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT - Contemporary Sci-Fi-Fantasy with Finn Zeddmore

COMING JANUARY 19th: The Return of Sunday Tea Time, presenting Agatha Christie's DEATH ON THE NILE

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

THURSDAY January 9th at 7pm: ANCIENT FIRES

"Morbleu! Holmes meets Mulder!"

Jules de Grandin is an occult detective created by Seabury Quinn for Weird Tales. Alongside his assistant, Dr. Samuel Trowbridge, he fought ghosts, werewolves, devil worshippers, monsters, serial killers, and spirits from beyond the grave! Tonight, in the tale Ancient Fires, Grandin and Trowbridge are engaged to investigate strange happenings at a grand old mansion and we discover that love can survive even the greatest sacrifice.
Book: HORROR ON THE LINKS Author: Seabury Quinn

Join us in Second Life and Kitely

WEDNESDAY, January 8th at 7PM: THE STARLESS SEA Begins

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Circus, a timeless love story set in a secret underground world—a place of pirates, painters, lovers, liars, and ships that sail upon a starless sea.

Zachary Ezra Rawlins is a graduate student in Vermont when he discovers a mysterious book hidden in the stacks. As he turns the pages, entranced by tales of lovelorn prisoners, key collectors, and nameless acolytes, he reads something strange: a story from his own childhood. Bewildered by this inexplicable book and desperate to make sense of how his own life came to be recorded, Zachary uncovers a series of clues—a bee, a key, and a sword—that lead him to a masquerade party in New York, to a secret club, and through a doorway to an ancient library hidden far below the surface of the earth. 

Caledonia presents selected adventures from Erin Morgenstern's new work, live on stream.

TUESDAY, January 7th at 7PM: Selections from A GLORIOUS FREEDOM

The glory of growing older is the freedom to be more truly ourselves—with age we gain the liberty to pursue bold new endeavors and worry less about what other people think. 

In this richly illustrated volume, bestselling author and artist Lisa Congdon explores the power of women over the age of forty who are thriving and living life on their own terms. Profiles, interviews, and essays from women—including Vera Wang, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Julia Child, Cheryl Strayed, and many more—who've found creative fulfillment and accomplished great things in the second half of their lives are lavishly illustrated and hand-lettered in Congdon's signature style. A Glorious Freedom celebrates extraordinary lives and redefines what it means to gain wisdom and maturity.

Caledonia reads selections, live on stream.


by Larry Niven -


A gigantic torus of air circling a star seemed an ideal place for a starship mutiny.  Now, 200 years later,  the expedition's descendants are still learning to survive in this strange place.


THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds


All times Pacific Time, 
story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for you support and enjoyment of The Dickens Project 2019! Now on to a new year and new adventures through stories.

*MONDAY - January 6th, at 7pm:  INTEGRAL TREES by Larry Niven.  Gyro Muggins begins a brand new series.

*TUESDAY, January 7th, at 7pm: Selections from Lisa Congdon's A GLORIOUS FREEDOM

*WEDNESDAY, January 8th, at 7pm: Erin Morgenstern's THE STARLESS SEA. Caledonia begins a series featuring selections from the new book by the author of THE NIGHT CIRCUS.

January 9th, at 7pm: Seabury Quinn's ANCIENT FIRES with Shandon Loring. (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower