WEDNESDAY, September 5th at 7PM: TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS ~ "The Voyages of Sinbad" Concludes

(Public Domain) "The History of Codadad 
& His Brothers" from THE ARABIAN NIGHTS 
illustrated by Maxfield Parrish in 1909

Caliph: Where will you find the crew, Sinbad?

Sinbad: The bravest of my former men will sail with me.

Caliph: That will not be enough. Where will you find the others?

Clearly the Caliph has heard the news - the chances of returning from a journey with Sinbad are very thin, unless you are Sinbad himself, of course.

Caledonia picks up in the middle of the Third Voyage of Sinbad, where the merchant and mariner faces his most terrifying peril yet: Death by Marriage!  

Join us for this, and the remaining three voyages, presented from the 1909 "The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales" edited by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora A Smith, and famously illustrated by Maxfield Parrish., live in voice.

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