Ivan is an easygoing gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely misses his life in the jungle. In fact, he hardly ever thinks about it at all.
Instead, Ivan thinks about TV shows he’s seen and about his friends Stella, an elderly elephant, and Bob, a stray dog. But mostly Ivan thinks about art and how to capture the taste of a mango or the sound of leaves with color and a well-placed line.
Caledonia Skytower, live in voice, with one of this year's Newbery Medal winners, inspired by events in Cale's RL home town!
Seanchai ("Storyteller" in Irish) Library celebrates the Celtic tradition of stories told around the hearth or in the pub to friends, family, and welcomed strangers. Seanchai Libraries bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
Join Singh for a feast of his best recent short short international fiction from Britain, America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Some titles include: "The Upside Down Cartographer", "Tea Cup", "Loving the Mustard Goddess", "The Boy Who Would be Bird", "Welcome to Geekosity", "Dinner Party Wars", "Wordscape with Ganja", "Letters to the Emperor", "Heard it Through the Pumpkinvine", "Singing the Black Dog", followed by "The Nutmeg Saga", the poetic narrative of a lost Javanese king who returns to tell his story.
Singh reads, sings, plays music and adds effects to lend more ambience to each unique tale. It is an experience not to be missed!
The author presents, live in Voice.
Singh reads, sings, plays music and adds effects to lend more ambience to each unique tale. It is an experience not to be missed!
The author presents, live in Voice.
"What marvels there! A mermaid sitting
High in a tree, a sprite, a trail
Where unknown beasts move never seen by
Man's eyes, a hut on chicken feet,
Without doors, without windows,
An evil witch's lone retreat;
The woods and valleys there are teeming
With strange things....
~ From Alexander Pushkin's narrative poem Ruslan and Ludmilla
Caledonia presents more of the classics from the Steppes and the Asian plains, where wise women and witches fly in a mortar and besom, and animals are wise and helpful, and it is hard to distinguish between peasants and nobles. Live in Voice.
High in a tree, a sprite, a trail
Where unknown beasts move never seen by
Man's eyes, a hut on chicken feet,
Without doors, without windows,
An evil witch's lone retreat;
The woods and valleys there are teeming
With strange things....
~ From Alexander Pushkin's narrative poem Ruslan and Ludmilla
Caledonia presents more of the classics from the Steppes and the Asian plains, where wise women and witches fly in a mortar and besom, and animals are wise and helpful, and it is hard to distinguish between peasants and nobles. Live in Voice.
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library!
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
Events in the Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT:
Sunday, April 28th at 4 p.m. - Cale's Work in Progress - downstairs by the fireside reading area
Monday, April 29th at 7 p.m. - More Classic Tales of Old Russia with Caledonia Skytower
Tuesday, April 30th at 7 p.m. - Story Adventures with author Singh Albatros
Wednesday, May 1st at 7 p.m. - The One and Only Ivan (Part 1) with Caledonia Skytower
Thursday, May 2nd at 7 p.m. - Uppity Women of Ancient Times with Shandon Loring
All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.
In March and April we'll be inviting library guests to join us in supporting our featured real world charity Heifer International starting May 1! Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.
Want to get schedule information and reminders in-world? Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribers. They are located in the library, just run in and touch them.
THURSDAY April 25th at 7pm: THE LOST COAST - Stories from the Surf
The beach is a no-man's-land, the coastal zone a dynamic give and take of land and sea, swell and tide. The nomadic peoples indigenous to this fluid land scape belong to the global tribe of surfers. They see the ocean differently than inlanders, differently too than the other fringe dwellers who seldom set foot in saltwater. For surfers the swells, currents, and the curling folds of waves are elements of a natural language. Tonight: tales of truth, fiction, and fantasy - each a glimpse into life on this sweet and ragged edge of beauty.
ISBN# 978-1-4236-0385-6
WEDNESDAY, April 24th at 7PM: MORE ADVENTURES with Polar Bear the Cat
Kayden Oconnell and Caledonia Skytower, live in Voice.
TUESDAY, April 23rd at 7PM: Brokali & Microfiction!
Other names for micro fiction include sudden fiction, flash fiction, micro-story, short short, postcard fiction and short short story,
though distinctions are sometimes drawn between some of these terms;
for example, sometimes one-thousand words is considered the cut-off
between "flash fiction" and the slightly longer short story "sudden fiction". The terms "micro fiction" and "micro narrative" are sometimes defined as below 300 words. The term "short short story" was the most common term until about 2000, when "flash fiction" overtook it. Confused yet? Worry not - Brokali will clear that all up and help you laugh along the way.
MicroFiction is loosely defined as anything that is 2000 words or less (not to be confused with Drabble which is 100 words). Brokali shares his delightful sense of humor and his dedication to this form with a buffet of micro gems, Presented Live in Voice.
MicroFiction is loosely defined as anything that is 2000 words or less (not to be confused with Drabble which is 100 words). Brokali shares his delightful sense of humor and his dedication to this form with a buffet of micro gems, Presented Live in Voice.
MONDAY, April 22nd at 7PM: FAIRYTALES ~ Straight Up with Chaser!
Crap's back in the library and he's brought guest Taralyn Gravois to stir up an enticing cocktail of stories.
Taralyn presents the traditional forms of fairytales, straight up. Then Crap takes them and turns them over, shakes them vigorously, and serves up a chaser of the same tale in an original parody. More fun than a barrel full of swizzle sticks!
Crap Mariner and Taralyn Gravois, Live in Voice.
Taralyn presents the traditional forms of fairytales, straight up. Then Crap takes them and turns them over, shakes them vigorously, and serves up a chaser of the same tale in an original parody. More fun than a barrel full of swizzle sticks!
Crap Mariner and Taralyn Gravois, Live in Voice.
SUNDAY, April 21st @ 6:00pm - MAGICLAND STORYTIME!
Caledonia continues with more favorites from author Gail Carson Levine ("Ella Enchanted") who casts a
new spell on classic fairtyales. The road to happily-ever-after is never easy. but
the masterful wit of Newbery Honor author Gail Carson Levine will keep
readers laughing their way through these fresh re-tellings of popular
fairy tales.
TONIGHT: The conclusion of CINDERELLIS & THE GLASS HILL "What if" the Cinder maiden was a Cinder dude?.
Live in voice.
TONIGHT: The conclusion of CINDERELLIS & THE GLASS HILL "What if" the Cinder maiden was a Cinder dude?.
Live in voice.
SUNDAY, April 21st at 1:30pm: TEA TIME at Baker Street!
Corwyn and Caledonia conclude this series of Tea Times with the very last chapter from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes: THE FINAL PROBLEM.
It was first published in Strand Magazine in December 1893. Conan Doyle later ranked "The Final Problem" fourth on his personal list of the twelve best Holmes stories. This story, set in 1891, introduces Holmes's greatest opponent, the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty.
Holmes arrives at Dr. Watson's one evening in a somewhat agitated state and with grazed and bleeding knuckles. He has apparently escaped three murder attempts that day after a visit from Professor Moriarty, who warned Holmes to withdraw from his pursuit of justice against him to avoid any regrettable outcome. Holmes manages to outwit his assailants but admitted that there was virtually no hope of proving that the man was in the employ of the criminal mastermind.
Holmes has been tracking Moriarty and his agents for months and is on the brink of snaring them all and delivering them to the dock. Moriarty is the criminal genius behind a highly organized and extremely secret criminal force and Holmes will consider it the crowning achievement of his career if only he can defeat Moriarty. Moriarty is out to thwart Holmes's plans and is well capable of doing so, for he is, as Holmes admits, the great detective's intellectual equal.
Presented Live in Voice.
It was first published in Strand Magazine in December 1893. Conan Doyle later ranked "The Final Problem" fourth on his personal list of the twelve best Holmes stories. This story, set in 1891, introduces Holmes's greatest opponent, the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty.
Holmes arrives at Dr. Watson's one evening in a somewhat agitated state and with grazed and bleeding knuckles. He has apparently escaped three murder attempts that day after a visit from Professor Moriarty, who warned Holmes to withdraw from his pursuit of justice against him to avoid any regrettable outcome. Holmes manages to outwit his assailants but admitted that there was virtually no hope of proving that the man was in the employ of the criminal mastermind.
Holmes has been tracking Moriarty and his agents for months and is on the brink of snaring them all and delivering them to the dock. Moriarty is the criminal genius behind a highly organized and extremely secret criminal force and Holmes will consider it the crowning achievement of his career if only he can defeat Moriarty. Moriarty is out to thwart Holmes's plans and is well capable of doing so, for he is, as Holmes admits, the great detective's intellectual equal.
Presented Live in Voice.
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library!
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
Events in the Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT:
Sunday, April 21st at 1:30 p.m. - TEA TIME at Baker Street! - the final Adventure from "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" with Caledonia Skytower & Corwyn Allen
Monday, April 22nd at 7 p.m. - Fairytales: Straight Up with a Chaser Crap Mariner with guest Taralyn Gravois
Tuesday, April 23rd at 7 p.m. - Microfiction with Brokali
Wednesday, April 24th at 7 p.m. - More Adventures with Polar Bear the Cat with Kayden Oconnell & Caledonia Skytower
Thursday, April 25th at 7 p.m. - "Lost Coast"- More Tales of the Surf with Shandon Loring
Join us for these off-campus events
Sunday, April 21st at 6:00 p.m. - MAGICLAND STORYTIME More Gail Carson Levine Fairytales with Caledonia Skytower
All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.
In March and April we'll be inviting library guests to join us in supporting our featured real world charity Project Children! (See website at projectchildren.org) Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.
Want to get schedule information and reminders in-world? Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribers. They are located in the library, just run in and touch them.
Myths and Legends from Sumero-Akkadian, Egyptian, Ugaritic-Canaanite, and the Hittite cultures. Although as much as 4,000 years old, these stories were hidden away until 1906.
LCCN# 79-101938
WEDNESDAY, April 17th @ 7PM: "His Hollywood" More from the Adventures of Polar Bear the Cat
More adventures with two irascible bachelors ... author Cleveland Armory, and the other Polar Bear - the cat who came for Christmas. In these adventures we explore how Polar Bear got his name, and the follies and foibles that every first time "cat-owned" experience when trying to travel with a cat. Polar Bear even hob nobs with the Beverly Hills elite!
"An animal rights activist, Amory shares his feelings about veterinarians, airlines, hotels, human and animal natures, and the complexities of modern life... Amory's intelligent, educated musings explain life as he and his cat experience it. He also includes interesting trivia on ancient feline history and celebrities who loved or hated cats." ~ Library Journal
Kayden Oconnell and Caledonia Skytower, live in Voice.
"An animal rights activist, Amory shares his feelings about veterinarians, airlines, hotels, human and animal natures, and the complexities of modern life... Amory's intelligent, educated musings explain life as he and his cat experience it. He also includes interesting trivia on ancient feline history and celebrities who loved or hated cats." ~ Library Journal
Kayden Oconnell and Caledonia Skytower, live in Voice.
TUESDAY May 16th at 7PM: THE GIRL WHO MARRIED A LION: and other tales from Africa

Gathered here is a beguiling selection of folktales from Zimbabwe and Botswana -
A girl discovers that her young husband might actually be a lion in disguise, but not before they have two sons who might actually be cubs.
Talking hyenas, milk-giving birds, clever cannibals who nonetheless get their comeuppance, and mysterious forces that reside in the landscape—these wonderful fables bring us the wealth, the variety, and the particular magic of traditional African lore.
ISBN# 0-375-42312-5
MONDAY, April 15th @ 7PM: Freda Frostbite's Original Tales
Taxes done? Forget the stress of it all, and join us as we welcome guest Freda Frostbite to Seanchai Library - where she shares her candid, compositional style with us.
Freda Frostbite will read from her work in progress, "The Adventures and Confessions of a Fat Lady Who Sings." This sometimes juicy, often emotional, collection of writings contains truths and tales from the life of the author, a real live fat lady who really does sing. Freda writes in her first life as Stephanie Mesler, whose previous publications include "Soul Hill Lullabies" and "Ermengarde The Expansive." Presented live in Voice.
Freda Frostbite will read from her work in progress, "The Adventures and Confessions of a Fat Lady Who Sings." This sometimes juicy, often emotional, collection of writings contains truths and tales from the life of the author, a real live fat lady who really does sing. Freda writes in her first life as Stephanie Mesler, whose previous publications include "Soul Hill Lullabies" and "Ermengarde The Expansive." Presented live in Voice.
Sunday, April 14th @ 6:00PM: MAGICLAND STORYTIME
You thought you knew your favorite fairy tales ... Caledonia reprises favorites from author Gail Carson Levine ("Ella Enchanted") who casts a
new spell on them. The road to happily-ever-after is never easy. but
the masterful wit of Newbery Honor author Gail Carson Levine will keep
readers laughing their way through these fresh re-tellings of popular
fairy tales.
TONIGHT: CINDERELLIS & THE GLASS HILL "What if" the Cinder maiden was a Cinder dude?.
Live in voice.
TONIGHT: CINDERELLIS & THE GLASS HILL "What if" the Cinder maiden was a Cinder dude?.
Live in voice.
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library!
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
Events in the Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT:
Monday, April 15th at 7 p.m. - Freda Frostbite's Original Tales with guest Freda Frostbite
Tuesday, April 16th at 7 p.m. - The Girl Who Married a Lion: and other Tales from Africa with Shandon Loring
Wednesday, April 17th at 7 p.m. - "His Hollywood" & more adventures with Polar Bear the Cat with Kayden Oconnell & Caledonia Skytower
Thursday, April 18th at 7 p.m. - Myths & Legend of the Near East with Shandon Loring
Join us for these off-campus events
Sunday, April 14th at 6:00 p.m. - MAGICLAND STORYTIME More Gail Carson Levine Fairytales with Caledonia Skytower
All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.
In March and April we'll be inviting library guests to join us in supporting our featured real world charity Project Children! (See website at projectchildren.org) Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.
Want to get schedule information and reminders in-world? Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribers. They are located in the library, just run in and touch them.
THURSDAY, April 11th at 7pm: DARKSIDE TALES of Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant
Tonight: THE HORLA
Inspiration for the story of Cthulhu.
You may be able to sleep after this story, but it will be with the lights on, every bedroom door locked, and a keen awareness of the invisible creature that is seeking.. you.
ISBN# 0-88184-459-4
WEDNESDAY, April 10th @ 7:00pm: More SPRING INTO STORIES!
Faerie and Gina are back with more from their rich bouquet of Spring Stories to delight
your fancy. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, the bees
are beginning to buzz and all the world seems bursting with new life and
new possibilities!
Gina brings Poetry by Dickinson, Stevenson and Roberts, plus a few short stories including John S. Adams Spring, Washington Irving The Birds of Spring (which includes Alexander Wilson's "The Blue Bird" poem), a first day of Spring story by Tina Mcintire and finally one called Emma and the Birds, by Bridgitte Williams. Presented live in voice.
Gina brings Poetry by Dickinson, Stevenson and Roberts, plus a few short stories including John S. Adams Spring, Washington Irving The Birds of Spring (which includes Alexander Wilson's "The Blue Bird" poem), a first day of Spring story by Tina Mcintire and finally one called Emma and the Birds, by Bridgitte Williams. Presented live in voice.
TUESDAY, April 9th @ 7pm: Selections from THE HOOTING YARD
Frank Key is a British writer, blogger and broadcaster best known for his self-published short-story collections and his long-running radio series Hooting Yard on the Air, which has been broadcast weekly on Resonance FM since April 2004. "The Guardian's" literature columnist Sam Jordison has described Frank Key as one of the most prolific living writers of literary nonsense. "The Guardian's" David Stubbs wrote that Frank's prose "reminds of Max Ernst engravings gone Bonzo Doo-Dah".
Crap Mariner present's selections to delight, joyfully presented (well, as joyfully as Crap is capable of) live in Voice.
Crap Mariner present's selections to delight, joyfully presented (well, as joyfully as Crap is capable of) live in Voice.
MONDAY, April 8th @ 7:00pm: TALES OF OLD RUSSIA
Caledonia presents some of the classics from the Steppes and the Asian plains, where wise women and witches fly in a mortar and besom; animals can speak, are clever and helpful; and sometimes it is hard to distinguish between peasants and nobles. Baba Yaga, Princess Vassilisa, Prince Yvan, The Firebird, The Magical Pike are all stock characters in this old folkloric tradition.
Live in Voice.
Live in Voice.
SUNDAY, April 7th @ 1:30pm: TEA TIME at Baker Street!
Caledonia Skytower continues with the second of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's short story collections about the adventures of his famous detective and the doings generated from Baker Street: "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" ~ THE ADVENTURE OF THE NAVAL TREATY.
Dr. Watson receives a letter, which he then refers to Holmes, from an old schoolmate, now a Foreign Office employee from Woking who has had an important naval treaty stolen from his office. It disappeared while Mr. Percy Phelps had stepped out of his office momentarily late in the evening to see about some coffee that he had ordered. His office has two entrances, each joined by a stairway to a single landing. The commissionaire kept watch at the main entrance. There was no-one watching at the side entrance. Phelps also knew that his fiancée's brother was in town and that he might drop by. Phelps was alone in the office.
Phelps pulled the bell cord in his office to summon the commissionaire, and to his surprise the commissionaire's wife came up instead. He worked at copying the treaty that he had been given while he waited. At last, he went to see the commissionaire when it had taken some time for the coffee to arrive. He found him asleep with the kettle boiling furiously. He did not need to wake him up, however, as just then, the bell linked to his office rang. Realizing that someone was in his office with the treaty spread out on his desk, Phelps rushed back up and found that the document had vanished, and so had the thief.
Presented live in voice.
Dr. Watson receives a letter, which he then refers to Holmes, from an old schoolmate, now a Foreign Office employee from Woking who has had an important naval treaty stolen from his office. It disappeared while Mr. Percy Phelps had stepped out of his office momentarily late in the evening to see about some coffee that he had ordered. His office has two entrances, each joined by a stairway to a single landing. The commissionaire kept watch at the main entrance. There was no-one watching at the side entrance. Phelps also knew that his fiancée's brother was in town and that he might drop by. Phelps was alone in the office.
Phelps pulled the bell cord in his office to summon the commissionaire, and to his surprise the commissionaire's wife came up instead. He worked at copying the treaty that he had been given while he waited. At last, he went to see the commissionaire when it had taken some time for the coffee to arrive. He found him asleep with the kettle boiling furiously. He did not need to wake him up, however, as just then, the bell linked to his office rang. Realizing that someone was in his office with the treaty spread out on his desk, Phelps rushed back up and found that the document had vanished, and so had the thief.
Presented live in voice.
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library!
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
"We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
Events in the Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT:
Sunday, April 7th at 1:30pm - TEA TIME at Baker Street with Caledonia
Monday, April 8th at 7 p.m. - Classic Tales from Russia with Caledonia Skytower
Tuesday, April 9th at 7 p.m. - Selections from THE HOOTING YARD with Crap Mariner
Wednesday, April 10th at 7 p.m. - Spring Into Stories continues with Faerie & Gina
Thursday, April 11th at 7 p.m. - Darkside Tales of Guy De Maupassant with Shandon Loring
All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.
In March and April we'll be inviting library guests to join us in supporting our featured real world charity Project Children! (See website at projectchildren.org) Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.
Want to get schedule information and reminders in-world? Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribers. They are located in the library, just run in and touch them.
THANK YOU from Doctors Without Borders!
Another featured charity benefiting from virtual activity. Who knew that enjoying stories and showing your appreciation with mere pennies could have such impact? Thank you for joining us in doing just a little more good in the world through Doctors Without Borders!
Faerie and Gina get together a rich bouquet of Spring Stories to delight your fancy. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, the bees are beginning to buzz and all the world seems bursting with new life and new possibilities! Presented live in voice.
TUESDAY, April 2nd @ 7pm: More from BAILEY WHITE'S WORLD
June Bailey White is an American author and a regular radio commentator for the National Public Radio program All Things Considered.
She is the daughter of Robb White, who was a fiction writer, and Rosalie White (nee' Mason), a farmer. White grew up with her mother in Georgia, while her father lived and wrote in Hollywood. Her mother, and her South Georgian eccentricity, have been central to her writing. Her mother died in 1994.
After graduating from Florida State University in 1973, Miss White moved to California, where she married her father's best friend. After 11 years of marriage, she returned to Georgia where she taught, for more than twenty years, at the school she attended as a girl. Her friend, Daniel Pinkwater, convinced her to submit some commentaries to NPR. Her gravelly voice and gift for portraying the unusual personalities of people in the rural South with gentle wit proved very popular with her NPR audience.
Kayden and Cale are back with more tales from author Bailey White ("Quite A Year for Plums"). Three short stories: "A Kind of Love", "Thanksgiving", & "The Wedding Horse". Presented live, in voice.
She is the daughter of Robb White, who was a fiction writer, and Rosalie White (nee' Mason), a farmer. White grew up with her mother in Georgia, while her father lived and wrote in Hollywood. Her mother, and her South Georgian eccentricity, have been central to her writing. Her mother died in 1994.
After graduating from Florida State University in 1973, Miss White moved to California, where she married her father's best friend. After 11 years of marriage, she returned to Georgia where she taught, for more than twenty years, at the school she attended as a girl. Her friend, Daniel Pinkwater, convinced her to submit some commentaries to NPR. Her gravelly voice and gift for portraying the unusual personalities of people in the rural South with gentle wit proved very popular with her NPR audience.
Kayden and Cale are back with more tales from author Bailey White ("Quite A Year for Plums"). Three short stories: "A Kind of Love", "Thanksgiving", & "The Wedding Horse". Presented live, in voice.
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