The audience will be immersed into WonderSLand, where they will see magical places bloom around them, with a panoramic view of the scenes built by JubJub Forder and his talented crew.
Visit the White Rabbit's house, enjoy a Tea Party with the Mad Hatter, Dormouse and March Hare, attend a Croquet game hosted by the Queen of Hearts, and witness the trial of the Knave of Hearts in a courtroom where rules are meant to be broken.
Tickets at $L500 and can be purchased on xstreets.
Check out this article in the SLEnquirer for more information and the schedule.
NOTE: This is NOT a West of Ireland performance or production and in no way benefits War Child North America. We're just sharing it because we know some of you love your Alice! Friends of the WOI Library Elegia Underwood and Corwyn Allen are part of the talented cast though, and you know how delightful they are!