SATURDAY November 2nd at 6pm: MORGAN CAREY AND THE CURSE OF THE CORPSE BRIDE - Dia de los Muertos Myths & Legends


“Oh, don’t be such a scaredy-cat”
Morgan Carey
Dia de los Muertos Myths & Legends by Susan Colleen Browne

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Myths and legends...
Halloween is just around the corner, and 5th grader Morgan chooses the coolest costume ever—a dead bride. Preparing for a fun night of trick-or-treating with her best friend Claire, she definitely did not expect a trip to the costume store to set off a series of strange encounters… Like the snarky, mysterious clerk at the store, a very curious bridal veil, and a weird fortune-telling machine that actually works…when it’s not plugged in!

But Halloween quickly takes a spooky turn: a Day of the Dead curse, an old book of magical spells, and a dark and deserted cemetery forces Morgan, with Claire’s help, to confront the powerful magic of Dia de los Muertos...Or is Morgan doomed to be cursed by the Corpse Bride forever? A family-friendly Halloween adventure - humor, drama and just the right touch of scariness!


STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life


Author: Susan Colleen Browne

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
halloween, Dia de los Muertos

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.



"It's Halloween"
A Halloween Trick or Treat by Seanan McGuire

In the small town of Holston, Oregon sits an abandoned mansion called the Holston house. The house is eerily well-maintained, considering that it has sat empty for many years. There are rumors that the Holston's youngest child, Mary, still walks the halls looking for someone to play with her. It is Halloween night and a group of teenagers, including a girl named Emily, decide to break into the house.

INTERVIEW With Author & STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Book: Haunted Nights
Editor: Ellen Datlow & Lisa Morton
Author: Seanan McGuire

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
halloween hooliganism

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.

THURSDAY, October 31st: Happy Halloween from The Bradbury Project!


@1pm - Ray's Tales, the final session

The last session of short stories in the Green Town Park from the works of Ray Bradbury including The October Country live on stream. 

Today: "There Was An Old Woman" from "The October Country Stories" . . .  1955 collection of nineteen macabre short stories. It reprints fifteen of the twenty-seven stories of his 1947 collection Dark Carnival, and adds four more of his stories previously published elsewhere.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

WEDNESDAY, October 30th at 7pm: THE HALLOWEEN TREE - Final Story Tour


@7pm - The Halloween Tree Story Tour  - Part 3

"The unemployed of all midnight Europe shivered in their stone sleep and came awake."

Ray Bradbury's tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween continues, in the Story Tour format with presenters Shandon Loring, Kayden Oconnell, and Caledonia Skytower guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. 

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

TUESDAY, October 29th: Moving Closer to Halloween!


@NOON - RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen!

Join us today for Russell's weekly performance.  Enjoy an hour of 100% live and unplugged acoustic music and spoken word.  Russell presents original and traditional songs, instrumental pieces and covers, together with some selected stories and poems: Folk Baroque and Beyond.  Presented on Stream in Ceiluiradh Glen at Nowhereville.


"The boys hung down from the Kite in a fine lizard’s tail, now weaving, now looping, now snapping, now gliding. They yelled with delight. They shrieked with ingasped, outgasped terror. They rode across the moon in an exclamation point."

Ray Bradbury's tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween begins, in the Story Tour format with presenters Kayden O'Connell, Finn Zeddmore and Shandon Loring guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. Presented live on stream at The Bradbury Project.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

Events at Nowhereville

Events at The Bradbury Project

MONDAY, October 28th at 7pm: LAST CONTACT with Gyro


@7pm slt - Sci-Fi Classics: Last Contact

 Gyro is back with more Science Fiction adventures from his endless library.

'Last Contact' by Steven Baxter (36 mins) The effects of Dark energy expanding the universe are accelerating; soon everything will expand into sub-atomic particles.  Humanity is spending its last days deciphering the final message received from aliens.

Gyro Muggins presents, live in Voice at Seanchai's Main Library on Nowhereville.

SUNDAY, October 27th: A Pair of Intriguing Events at The Bradbury Project


@1:30pm - The Halloween Tree Story Tour  - Part 3

"The unemployed of all midnight Europe shivered in their stone sleep and came awake."

Ray Bradbury's tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween continues, in the Story Tour format with presenter Caledonia Skytower guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. 

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

@7-10pm - eClipse at The Bradbury Project

Join us in the shadow of The Halloween Tree for the final contribution from our friends at eClipse Club & Resort as DJs TigerPawz and Caledonia combine their sinister efforts to present "Dr. Frankenstein's Halloween Boogie." Music, Dancing, Random Raffles and Jeopardy!

All events today will be live on stream, re-direct teleports available from the Green Town section to appropriate location of the region.

SATURDAY. October 26th: Stories, Music, and Fun at The Bradbury Project


@Noon - Ray's Tales

More short stories from the works of Ray Bradbury including stories from Dandelion Wine and The October Country live on stream in the Green Town Park at The Bradbury Project. 

Today: a selected story from "The October Country" . . .  1955 collection of nineteen macabre short stories. It reprints fifteen of the twenty-seven stories of his 1947 collection Dark Carnival, and adds four more of his stories previously published elsewhere.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

@7-9pm - eClipse at The Bradbury Project

Join us in the shadow of The Halloween tree as DJ Iniry and the fine folks from Eclipse Club & Resort as they present "The Vampyre Masquerade Ball."

Live on stream, re-direct teleport available from the Green Town section to north side of the region.



"The slavering terror panted at my heels"
Cajun Vampires & Werewolves Battle in the Bayou by Kirk Mashburn

There was a positively feral light in those glorious eyes, now; and that seductive mouth had ceased to be such. With lips drawn back from her teeth (queer that I had not before noticed how sharp and cruelly pointed they seemed—like fangs!

A shuddery story of Louisiana Cajuns, of corpses that screamed in their graves, and a woman who would not stay dead.

Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


From: Weird Tales Magazine - September 1932
Author: Kirk Mashburn

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
anachronistic attitudes, classic horror, alcohol use

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.

THURSDAY October 24th at 7pm: BLOOD & BRINE - Tales of the Slayer


"Tales of the Slayer"
She alone stands against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness.

- followed at 9pm by THE LAST OF PLACIDES WIFE -

Slayer Robin Whitby disguising herself as a man, is the pirate captain of her ship "Neptune's Lady" in 1661. Along with her Watcher, Dr. William Henry Pratt, she and her crew prowl the Caribbean. Encountering a derelict treasure ship full of stolen Inca gold she battles curses, leeches, vampires, a mutinous crew.. and a kraken!

Into every generation, a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, to find the vampires where they gather, and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. In our time, that girl is Buffy Summers. But Buffy is merely one Slayer in an eternal continuum of warriors for the Powers That Be.

STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):
addt'l story information and reviews may be found at:

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


From: Tales of the Slayer, Vol.II
Author: Greg Cox

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
supernatural, monsters

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.


THURSDAY October 24th at 6pm: PLACIDE'S WIFE


"There was a feral light in those glorious eyes"
Cajun Vampire Horror by Kirk Mashburn
- followed by more stories at 7pm & 9pm -

There was a positively feral light in those glorious eyes, now; and that seductive mouth had ceased to be such. With lips drawn back from her teeth (queer that I had not before noticed how sharp and cruelly pointed they seemed—like fangs!

A shuddery story of Louisiana Cajuns, of corpses that screamed in their graves, and a woman who would not stay dead.

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


From: Weird Tales Magazine - November 1931
Author: Kirk Mashburn

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
anachronistic attitudes, classic horror, domestic violence

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.

TUESDAY, October 22nd: Another Full Day at Seanchai Library

@NOON - RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen!

Join us today for Russell's weekly performance.  Enjoy an hour of 100% live and unplugged acoustic music and spoken word.  Russell presents original and traditional songs, instrumental pieces and covers, together with some selected stories and poems: Folk Baroque and Beyond.  Presented on Stream in Ceiluiradh Glen at Nowhereville.


"The boys hung down from the Kite in a fine lizard’s tail, now weaving, now looping, now snapping, now gliding. They yelled with delight. They shrieked with ingasped, outgasped terror. They rode across the moon in an exclamation point."

Ray Bradbury's tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween begins, in the Story Tour format with presenters Kayden O'Connell, Finn Zeddmore and Shandon Loring guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. Presented live on stream at The Bradbury Project.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

@ 9 PM - SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT with Finn Zeddmore

Finn Zeddmore presents more contemporary Sci-Fi-Fantasy from a variety of sources. What adventure will Finn take us on tonight?  "After the Cure" by Carrie Ryan and "The Sweetest Honey" by Tim Pratt. Presented live in Voice at Seanchai Library on Nowhereville.

Events at Nowhereville

Events at The Bradbury Project

MONDAY, October 21st: Stories and Music, at Home & at Bradbury

@7pm slt - Sci-Fi Classics: Bad Medicine

 Gyro is back with more Science Fiction adventures from his endless library.

'Bad Medicine' by Rober Sheckley (48 mins) a man who strongly suspects he is a potential homicidal maniac seeks mechanized from a computer. Too bad it's programmed for Martians.

Gyro Muggins presents, live in Voice at Seanchai's Main Library on Nowhereville.

@9pm slt - eClipse at The Bradbury Project

Join us in the Green Town Park as DJ JAdmiral Maelstrom and the fine folks from eClipse Club & Resort as they present "The Candy Show" - 2 hours of music, mayhem, and dancing. Play Listen to Win, and Face the Music.

SUNDAY, October 20th at 1:30pm: THE HALLOWEEN TREE Continues


"They soared over hills and meadows and farms. They saw themselves reflected in dusky moon-bright streams, creeks, rivers. They brushed down over ancient trees. The wind stirred by their passing shook down whole government mints of coins, leaves, bright showering to the black-grassed earth. They flew over the town and thought—

"O look up! see! here we are! your sons!

"And thought: O look down, there somewhere are our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, teachers! Hey, here we are! O, someone, see us! or you’ll never believe!"

Ray Bradbury's transformative tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween continues, in the Story Tour format with presenters David Abbot and Caledonia Skytower guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. 

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

SATURDAY, October 19th at Noon: More RAY'S TALES


Caledonia Skytower presents more short stories from the works of Ray Bradbury including stories from Dandelion Wine and The October Country live on stream in the Green Town Park at The Bradbury Project. Today's tale : "Excorcism"

Clara Goodwater has been the president of the Ladies Honeysuckle Harmony Lodge for a long time. Her rival, Elmira Brown, is convinced that Clara uses witchcraft to maintain her position and plans to exorcise her during the upcoming election.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit



“We’ve entered the creepy stretch of Saddle Road.”
Alien Terror by Brian Moreland

Up the road, a thick fog bank rolled across the valley. Before Jeff could switch on the headlights, mist swallowed his Subaru Outback. The morning sunshine vanished. The landscape within the haze turned gray, as if the fog had sucked the color out of the world. Surrounding ‘Ōhi’a trees and volcanic terrain dotted with scrub were half-hidden by drifting wisps of vapor.

INTERVIEW With Author & STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):
addt'l story information and reviews may be found at:


Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Book: Midnight From Beyond The Stars
Editor: Kenneth Cain
Author: Brian Moreland

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
horror, gore, human & animal deaths, gov't conspiracy

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.

THURSDAY October 17th: 6pm - 8pm: Two Hours - SCARY STORIES CAMPOUT


"S'mores and Ghosties"
Scary Stories Told 'Round the Campfire
- followed at 9pm by INCIDENT ON SADDLE ROAD -

Come in your Hallowe'en jammies!
Campfire, tents, sleeping bags, candles, pizza, popcorn,
candy, flashlights, dark stormy night, and Scary Stories provided!

Seanchai Library Downstairs in Second Life
Storylink Hallowe'en Mall in Kitely:

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Tonight's Stories

Book Series: Scary Stories for Sleepovers & Scary Stories for Stormy Nights
Authors: various

TUESDAY, October 15th : Lots Happening Today at Bradbury & Nowhereville!

 @NOON - RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen!

Join us today for Russell's weekly performance.  Enjoy an hour of 100% live and unplugged acoustic music and spoken word.  Russell presents original and traditional songs, instrumental pieces and covers, together with some selected stories and poems: Folk Baroque and Beyond.  Presented on Stream in Ceiluiradh Glen at Nowhereville.


Ray Bradbury's transformative tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween begins, in the Story Tour format with presenters Kayden O'Connell, Finn Zeddmore and Caledonia Skytower guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. Presented live on stream at The Bradbury Project.

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit

@ 9 PM - SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT with Finn Zeddmore

Finn Zeddmore presents more contemporary Sci-Fi-Fantasy from a variety of sources. What adventure will Finn take us on tonight? Part 1 of  "The Four Sisters Overlooking the Sea" by Naomi Krittzer. Presented live in Voice at Seanchai Library on Nowhereville.

Events at Nowhereville

Events at The Bradbury Project

MONDAY, October 14th at 7pm: WARRIOR

Gyro is back with more Science Fiction adventures from his endless library.

'Warrior' by Gordon Dickson (60 mins)

Brian Kennebuck, Force leader in a group of mercenaries, led his troop into a fatal snafu. It is rumored that his brother James was somehow responsible.  Now Brian's superior officer Ian Graeme is on Earth intending to meet James. The authorities suspect revenge although the revenge might not be what they, or James suspect.

Gyro Muggins presents, live in Voice at Seanchai's Main Library on Nowhereville.

SUNDAY, October 13th at 1:30pm: THE HALLOWEEN TREE Begins


"It was a small town by a small river and a small lake in a small northern part of a Midwest state. There wasn’t so much wilderness around you couldn’t see the town. But on the other hand there wasn’t so much town you couldn’t see and feel and touch and smell the wilderness. The town was full of trees. And dry grass and dead flowers now that autumn was here. And full of fences to walk on and sidewalks to skate on and a large ravine to tumble in and yell across. And the town was full of . . . Boys.

 "And it was the afternoon of Halloween."

Ray Bradbury's transformative tale of youth, life, death, and Halloween begins, in the Story Tour format with presenters David Abbot and Caledonia Skytower guiding guests through the story while visiting the elements of the story and Bradbury's work that inspired the region. 

For more information on Ray Bradbury's life and work, visit