The song is one of Arlo Guthrie's most prominent works, based on a true incident from his life that began on Thanksgiving Day 1965 with a citation for littering, and ended with the refusal of the U.S. Army to draft him because of his conviction for that crime. The ironic punch line of the story is that, in the words of Guthrie, "I'm sittin' here on the Group W bench 'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough to join the Army - burn women, kids, houses and villages - after bein' a litterbug." The final part of the song is an encouragement for the listeners to sing along, to resist the draft, and to end war.
The "song" is in fact a spoken monologue, presented by Shandon Loring today for your listening pleasure or just to groan at and be Thankful when it's over.
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