'Bangs Head on Keyboard' (yes, that is Derry's other name) will present entrancing legends from the various peoples who are native to North America. Stories of creation, of corn, and of romance will be shared in voice.
Seanchai ("Storyteller" in Irish) Library celebrates the Celtic tradition of stories told around the hearth or in the pub to friends, family, and welcomed strangers. Seanchai Libraries bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.
"Robin Hood is here again: all his merry thieves
Hear a ghostly bugle-note shivering through the leaves,
Calling as he used to call, faint and far away,
In Sherwood, in Sherwood, about the break of day."
"My Friend the Doctor says
The World is full of Fantasy-
And who are you and I to disagree?
Let's hope and pray
That is the way
The life we love will always stay
For my friend the Doctor and Me!"
Discover more about the author and his famous denizen of
"Puddleby-on-the-Marsh" with these online resources:
About Hugh Lofting - Online Literature
About Hugh Lofting w/ links to other sites - Free Library