Thursday March 20th at 7:00pm: SHADOW OVER RATHCARN: Darby O'Gill and The Undead Chieftain


Dare ye walk the misted roads and hear the tale?
Shadow Over Rathcarn
Original Story by Oz, Ossian Grey & Shandon Loring

There are dangers aplenty in the mist—but none so fearsome as
the ancient chieftain who refuses to stay buried.

When a reckless lad disturbs the cursed mound of Abhartach, an undying terror rises, demanding his rightful tribute in blood. The people of Rathcarn grow powerless beneath the shadow of the neamh-mairbh, and the land itself begins to wither.

But if there’s one man who knows how to parley with the dead, outwit the fae, and walk the fine line between courage and calamity, it’s Darby O’Gill.

Armed with nothing but his sharp tongue, quick wit, and a desperate plan, Darby must face an unholy horror, bargain with a tricksy fae lord, and call upon the oldest magic in Ireland to seal the nightmare away—before Rathcarn is drained dry.

A tale of cunning over cruelty, words over weapons, and a legend not soon forgotten...

Based on the Irish Legend of Abhartach

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Characters Inspired by
Darby O'Gill Tales from Herminie Kavanagh and
Ghost and the Bonesetter by J.S. Le Fanu
Authors: Oz, Ossian Grey, & Shandon Loring
Artwork by AI Artist IGgy

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
supernatural, monsters, mystery, irish mythology

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. Read-a-Long links on this page are publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members may find concerning are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.


TUESDAY, March 18th at 7pm: THE QUIET MAN


Join Caledonia tonight 'round the fire for a Seanchai Library tradition: Maurice Walsh's 1933 short story about a man returning to his home in Ireland, where rather than peace and contentment he finds romance, neighborhood politics, and perhaps the path to mending what's broken inside of him.

"Shawn Kelvin, a blithe young lad of twenty, went to the States to seek his fortune. And fifteen years thereafter he returned to his native Kerry, his blitheness sobered and his youth dried to the core, and whether he had made his fortune or whether he had not, no one could be knowing for certain. For he was a quiet man, not given to talking about himself and the things he had done. A quiet man, under middle size, with strong shoulders and deep-set blue eyes below brows darker than his dark hair—that was Shawn Kelvin."

Presented live, on stream.

TUESDAY, March 11th - CELTIC TALES with Caledonia

Gather 'round the fire tonight as Caledonia shares tales of p
erilous quests, true love, and animals that talk. The traditional stories of Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, and Wales conjure forgotten realms and rare magical creatures in vivid prose, transporting us to the fantastical world of Celtic folklore.

Be prepared for timeless tales brim with wit and magic.

Presented live, on Stream.

TUESDAY, March 4th @ 7pm - Stories from Home


Seanchai's winter hiatus is almost over, and tonight Caledonia cracks open a few stories as we great a new month and embrace the promise of stories to come.

Cale has been going through the experience that many of us have of clearing years of possessions from her childhood home. Tonight she shares stories home and family on the eve of her saying goodbye to that home.

Presented Live, on stream.

THURSDAY January 16th at 7-8:30pm: THE THULE STOWAWAY


“I have reached these lands but newly.. From an ultimate dim Thule—”
If a man makes a monster, he wonders, is he responsible for it? If one is the master of the monster, what happens when the monster is left alone? Does it wander in wrath? Does it rage? The poet does not consider his monster’s future. He makes it and sets it free in his kingdom.

PLEASE NOTE: Tonight's story will run approximately 90 minutes


Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Book: Uncanny Magazine: Jan/Feb 2017
Authors: Maria Dahvana Headley
Artwork by AI Artist IGgy

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
supernatural, monsters, psychological distress, mystery

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find concerning are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life


FINAL DAY at The Dickens Project

 Haven't seen this Edition of The Dickens Project yet? 

Where have you been?

Visit the Art Show, ride the Balloon, tour on Bay Rum's cart, and join us

on the Skating Pond . . . 

FROM 2-4pm slt/pacific - THE LAST DANCE at DICKENS

2 hours of music and fellowship on the Pond for one last round before the Dickens regions fade into the mists till called again.


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

CLOSING WEEKEND: Saturday, January 4th at The Dickens Project


@1PM - THE CREATION OF THE VIOLIN Presented by Officina dei Sogni

Original animations, music, environmentals and a innovative use of performance tools are the mark of Officina dei Sogni's work. Their unique blend of story, music, and movement are shown to great advantage in this adaptation of an ancient gypsy folktale.

Arrive early to claim your seat and settle in for this singular performance at The Dickens Project.


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

NEW YEAR'S DAY at The Dickens Project - Music!


@5PM - Corwyn Allen, Live!

Enjoy an hour on the Pond with Corwyn's rich vocals and acoustic accompaniments mixed with the delightful ambience of the Skating Pond. 


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

NEW YEAR'S EVE at The Dickens Project - December 31st

         Stories, and fun on The Pond for New Year's Eve


We present a variety of music (not limited by period or genre) to honor the old year, and celebrate the promise of the new one.


The conclusion of the next best known of Dickens' Christmas novellas, after the mighty "Carol", this "Fairy Tale of Home" invokes the folkloric magical luck of crickets, while making keen observations on relationships, and making a choices. Live on Stream from Fezziwig's Courtyard.


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, December 28th & 29th at The Dickens Project


Both Saturday & Sunday at Noon slt/pacific

It's a great tradition in the British Isles - ghost stories between Christmas and New Years. Whether it's M.R. James, Walpole, or Dickens himself, Caledonia will be sharing chilling tales 'tween the holidays, live. On Stream from Fezziwig's Courtyard.

Sunday, December 29th from 1:30 - 3pm slt/pacific

Dickens Project friend (and Founder of Virtual Community Radio) Elrik Merlin will be playing traditional dance music of the 18th and 19th Century at the Miner's Village on Dickens Harbour. Fluff your petticoat, or brush up your finest Sunday waistcoat and come a long to tread a measure to some vintage dancing music.


Teleports to all venues available at The Welcome Area

THURSDAY, December 26th at The Dickens Project - A Classic Continues


The next best known of Dickens' Christmas novellas, after the mighty "Carol", this "Fairy Tale of Home" invokes the folkloric magical luck of crickets, while making keen observations on relationships, and making a choices. The "Chirps" continue tonight at 7pm slt/pacific.

Live on Stream from Fezziwig's Courtyard.

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TUESDAY, December 24th at The Dickens Project



Tuesday, December 24th ~ Christmas Eve (all times slt/Pacific)

@ Noon to 2pm ~ Christmas Eve Skate on the Dickens Project Skating Pond

@ 9pm ~ Candles and Carols at the Church of St. Charles of the Little Dickens


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

MONDAY, DECEMBER 23rd at The Dickens Project - The Last Story Tours



Monday, December 23rd: (all times slt/Pacific)

STORY TOURS: Stave Four: The Last of Three Spirits & The End of It

Concluding today -  Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be read in a live walking tour format. Read live on Stream, come enjoy this singular experience, only at The Dickens Project.

All Tours begin at the Embankment

  • @ 2pm - Read by Aoife Lorefield & Caledonia Skytower
  • @ 7pm - Read by Gloriana Maertens, Kayden Oconnell, and Caledonia Skytower

Note: The Tour Teleportals will remain up until the following morning, for guests to retrace the tour (using the free audio hud) or simply to enjoy on their own.

PLUS @ 1:45 pm "WOOTMAS!"  The Raglans Shire Tiny Carolers

AND AFTER THE FINAL TOUR @ 8:15pm In the Opera House - "The Muppets Christmas Carol"


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

SUNDAY, December 22nd at The Dickens Project - Art, Stories, Music & Skating!



Sunday, December 22nd: (all times slt/Pacific)

@ 11am - Open Art Show Celebration

We are pleased to celebrate this year's Open Art Show featured artists - twelve of the best and brightest SL artists, many of whom chose to create their images at The Dickens Project.

DJ Caledonia Skytower will be playing and hour of Christmas Jazz.

STORY TOURS: Stave Three: The Second of Three Spirits

Continuing today -  Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be read in a live walking tour format. Read live on Stream, come enjoy this singular experience, only at The Dickens Project.

All Tours begin at the Embankment

  • @ 2pm - Read by Kayden Oconnell & Caledonia Skytower
  • @ 7pm - Read by Caledonia Skytower & Finn Zeddmore

Note: The Tour Teleportals will remain up until the following morning, for guests to retrace the tour (using the free audio hud) or simply to enjoy on their own..

@ 3pm -Skating Party with DJ Dano Bookmite

One of the most fun activities at Dickens is the skating pond, complete with five different skate paths and a dance caller. Long time Dickens friend Dano Bookmite plays two hours of music to glide, trip, and collide to, pondside.


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

SATURDAY, December 21st at The Dickens Project



Saturday, December 21st: (all times slt/Pacific)

Continuing today -  Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be read in a live walking tour format. Read live on Stream, come enjoy this singular experience, only at The Dickens Project.

All Tours begin at the Embankment

TODAY: Stave Two: The First of Three Spirits

  • @ 2pm - Read by Aoife Lorefield
  • @ 7pm - Read by Shandon Loring and Caledonia Skytower

PLUS: @ 6:45pm - The Raglan Shire Tiny Carolers at the Embankment

Note: The Tour Teleportals will remain up until the following morning, for guests to retrace the tour (using the free audio hud) or simply to enjoy on their own..


Teleport available at The Welcome Center

FRIDAY, December 20th" A Big Day at The Dickens Project - Carol Tours Begin!

 It's finally here!  Time for the "Christmas Carol" Story Tours!

Beginning today and every day through Monday a different section of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" will be read in a live walking tour format. Read live on Stream, come enjoy this singular immersive experience, only st The Dickens Project.

TODAY: Stave One: Marley's Ghost

@ 3pm - Read by Caledonia Skytower

@ 7pm - Read by Kayden O'connell, Gloriana Maertens, and Caledonia Skytower.


All times slt/pacific

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project - Thursday, December 19th

@ Noon - Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable

Hosted by The Community Virtual Library.

@ 1pm - Tally Mercury, Live at The Dickens Project

Join us for an hour of fantastic music and songs with Tally at the Opera House.

@ 9-11pm - DJ Tigerpawz with "Decades Holiday Edition"

eClipse Club & Resort brings an hour of music and mayhem to The Dickens Skating Pond.


All times slt/pacific

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project: "The Cricket on the Heart" Continues


The next best known of Dickens' Christmas novellas, after the mighty "Carol", this "Fairy Tale of Home" invokes the folkloric magical luck of crickets, while making keen observations on relationships, and making a choices. The "Chirps" continue tonight.

Live on Stream from Fezziwig's Courtyard.

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project: December 16th - Music and Dancing

 @ 9-11pm slt/pacific - eClipse Club & Resort at The Dickens Project Continues

Our friends from eClipse Club & Resort continue their jubilant residency at Dickens tonight with DJ JAdmiral Maelstrom will spin 2 hours of Holiday favorites at The Opera House for a "Holiday Formal."


Teleport available at The Welcome Area

LOTS TO DO at The Dickens Project: December 14 & 15

In addition to balloon rides, and horse cart tours, strolling the streets exploring while listening to "A Christmas Carol" and using the new Points of Interest Mini-Map to help you discover parts of the story and activity markers, and visiting the art gallery (there's just do much to do!) we have the following events scheduled . . .

Saturday (all times slt/pacific)

@ Noon - The Night Before Humbug!

Divertissement in dance presented by Evolution Dance. (Come early to get a seat and be kind to your Viewer). 

@ 7-9pm- "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" with DJ Iniry

Our friends from eClipse Club & Resort continue their great line-up of music & dance events. DJ Iniry will spin 2 hours of rockin' seasonal music to make your heart happy and your feet dance at The Opera House.

Sunday (all times slt/pacific)

@ 10am - The Night Before Humbug! - Final Performance

Divertissement in dance presented by Evolution Dance. (Come early to get a seat and be kind to your Viewer). 

@ 2pm - Tea with Mr. Dickens - The Pickwick Papers

Selections from the early works of Charles Dickens, with a slight lean towards the spooky! Presented live at Fezziwig's Courtyard.


Teleport to all venues available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project: Friday, December 13th

 Lucky You! It's the starts of a busy weekend full of great events at The Dickens Project in SL!

@ 9am slt/pacific - The Non-Profit Commons Annual Tour

Hosted by The Community Virtual Library

@ 7-9pm slt/pacific - eClipse at The Dickens Project Begins!

Our friends from eClipse Club & Resort have a great line-up of music & dance events all prepared, and tonight is the one that starts it all. DJ Momma will spin 2 hours of Holiday favorites at Fezziwig's Courtyard for a "Classic Christmas."


Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project: Music at The Miner's Village!


@ 4pm slt/pacific: Live acoustic music and charming vocals from Mr. Corwyn Allen at the Miner's Village on Dickens Harbour. Let your feet do that happy dance that you KNOW they want to!

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project: THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH Begins

 The Cricket on The Hearth, by Charles Dickens

Tuesday, December 10th at 7pm

Probably the next best known of Dickens' Christmas novellas, after the mighty "Carol", this "Fairy Tale of Home" invokes the folkloric magical luck of crickets, while making keen observations on relationships, and making a choices.

Presented over several weeks - Live on Stream from Fezziwig's Courtyard.

Teleport available at The Welcome Area

TODAY at The Dickens Project SL: TEA WITH MR. DICKENS - Klannex Northmead & "Little Dorrit"


2pm slt: Tea With Mr. Dickens - "Little Dorrit"

Poet Klannex Northmead presents an hour of satire and irony from one of Mr. Dickens' most worthy works including, as it does, some of his most pointed social commentary (complete with Dickensian rants).

The event will be live in Voice at Fezziwig's Courtyard, accessible from The Dickens Project Welcome Area

Little Dorrit is a novel by English author Charles Dickens, originally published in serial form between 1855 and 1857. The story features Amy Dorrit, youngest child of her family, born and raised in the Marshalsea prison for debtors in London.

The novel satirizes some shortcomings of both government and society, including the institution of debtors' prisons, where debtors were imprisoned, unable to work and yet incarcerated until they had repaid their debts. The prison in this case is the Marshalsea, where Dickens's own father had been imprisoned. Dickens is also critical of the impotent bureaucracy of the British government, in this novel in the form of the fictional "Circumlocution Office". Dickens also satirizes the stratification of society that results from the British class system.

TODAY at The Dickens Project: Saturday, December 7th


Noon slt: The Angelicus Boy Choir Concert

The Dickens Project is pleased to welcome back the Angelicus Boy Choir to this year's Edition.

The Boy Choir celebrate both music, and the stories behind the music with their choreographed performances. Kick of your 2024 Dickens Experience with an hour of songs and delight in the Christmas Past Field. Stick around for a snow ball fight afterwards.

1pm slt: "Vision of Dickens' World" by Hermes Kondor - Opening Celebration

Artist and arts advocate Kermes Kondor opens the Dickens 2024 Art season with an exhibition of his own work - created images reflecting the thoughts and key moments of characters from Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Music by DJ Faye Hexem at the Art Gallery.


Both events are also accessible from The Dickens Project Welcome Area

THE DICKENS PROJECT is Coming: Opens December 6th

Video by Honey Heart

Since it's founding in Second Life in 2008, Seanchai Library has always had a special relationship with Charles Dickens seminal novella "A Christmas Carol." Not a year has passed since when the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge's journey of redemption has not been read or presented in some form.

2024 will be no exception!  The Dickens Project returns for another year, featuring "A Christmas Carol" as well as other works, and a variety of holiday music, dancing and amusements from across the Second Life Community. There's plenty to do an explore (pro-tip - also a great photo ops to shoot your holiday greetings from).

Join us on the regions Dickens Project and Dickens Harbour for a month of yuletide cheer and festive celebration along with:

Our Participating Communities for 2023 
Angelicus Boys Choir
The Community Virtual Library
Eclipse Club & Resort
Elite Equestrian
Evolution Dance
Innsmouth - H.P. Lovecraft Inspired
SL Hawks Aerobatics Team
Virtual Community Radio
The Raglan Shire Tiny Carolers
... and Additional Performing Artists yet to be announced.



The song is one of Arlo Guthrie's most prominent works, based on a true incident from his life that began on Thanksgiving Day 1965 with a citation for littering, and ended with the refusal of the U.S. Army to draft him because of his conviction for that crime. The ironic punch line of the story is that, in the words of Guthrie, "I'm sittin' here on the Group W bench 'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough to join the Army - burn women, kids, houses and villages - after bein' a litterbug." The final part of the song is an encouragement for the listeners to sing along, to resist the draft, and to end war.

The "song" is in fact a spoken monologue, presented by Shandon Loring today for your listening pleasure or just to groan at and be Thankful when it's over.

Seanchai Library in Second Life

Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim



SATURDAY November 2nd at 6pm: MORGAN CAREY AND THE CURSE OF THE CORPSE BRIDE - Dia de los Muertos Myths & Legends


“Oh, don’t be such a scaredy-cat”
Morgan Carey
Dia de los Muertos Myths & Legends by Susan Colleen Browne

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Myths and legends...
Halloween is just around the corner, and 5th grader Morgan chooses the coolest costume ever—a dead bride. Preparing for a fun night of trick-or-treating with her best friend Claire, she definitely did not expect a trip to the costume store to set off a series of strange encounters… Like the snarky, mysterious clerk at the store, a very curious bridal veil, and a weird fortune-telling machine that actually works…when it’s not plugged in!

But Halloween quickly takes a spooky turn: a Day of the Dead curse, an old book of magical spells, and a dark and deserted cemetery forces Morgan, with Claire’s help, to confront the powerful magic of Dia de los Muertos...Or is Morgan doomed to be cursed by the Corpse Bride forever? A family-friendly Halloween adventure - humor, drama and just the right touch of scariness!


STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life


Author: Susan Colleen Browne

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
halloween, Dia de los Muertos

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.



"It's Halloween"
A Halloween Trick or Treat by Seanan McGuire

In the small town of Holston, Oregon sits an abandoned mansion called the Holston house. The house is eerily well-maintained, considering that it has sat empty for many years. There are rumors that the Holston's youngest child, Mary, still walks the halls looking for someone to play with her. It is Halloween night and a group of teenagers, including a girl named Emily, decide to break into the house.

INTERVIEW With Author & STORY REVIEW (spoiler alert):

Join Us Live At:
Seanchai Library in Second Life
Storylink Radio Estate in Opensim
Storylink Radio Youtube Channel:


Book: Haunted Nights
Editor: Ellen Datlow & Lisa Morton
Author: Seanan McGuire

*Thematic Elements for tonight's story may include:
halloween hooliganism

*Notes re: Read-a-Long & Thematic Elements
We ourselves do not provide or post text for non-Public Domain stories or books, on this blog, on our websites, YouTube channels, or other repository, except when given explicit permission from the rights holder. The Read-a-Long link on this page is publicly available on the internet. Typically this information be found by a simple Google search for the title of the story. This text is in no way hosted by Storylink Radio or Seanchai Library. Please note that your storyteller may adapt the story for the intended audience, time allotted, dramatic purposes, etc. Efforts are made to remove or adapt instances of foul language from these stories before presenting, certainly no "F-bombs" will be present. However, you may encounter such language as well as potentially disturbing thematic elements in the original text of the story if you choose to follow along with the read-a-long links. Any thematic elements in tonight's telling that we believe some audience members could find objectionable are noted above under "Thematic Elements". It is our hope that audience members will find such elements to be neither extreme nor gratuitous, but rather enhancing to the story overall. We do understand that people's views and values may vary, and so while it is not our intent to provide an exhaustive nor industry compliant list of Thematic Elements of this story, we are attempting to provide a guide that we hope you may find useful if you have such concerns.