THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library: Sept. 4 to 9

Sunday, Sept. 4 at noon: Seanchai goes off campus for Work Stories at Fruit Islands  in honour of Labour Day <>

Monday, Sept. 5 at 7 p.m.:  Wrap up of R.L. Stevenon's A New Arabian Night and selections from Treasure Island with Caledonia Skytower.

Tuesday, Sept. 6 at  7 p.m.: Lost Art by George O. Smith with Bear Silvershade

Wednesday, Sept. 7 at  7 p.m.: Zombies vs Unicorns with Marian Dragovar

Thursday, Sept. 8 at  7 p.m.: Voices of 9/11 with Chief Seanchai Shandon Loring and Derry McMahon

Friday, Sept. 9 at  8 p.m.: Cat Mysteries at Mystery Manor.

Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribos. They are located in the Library, just run in and touch them or join our group, the Seanchai Library.

All stories in voice, and this month to benefit the charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Click on the large green leather book by the librarian's desk at the Library for a notecard with this schedule and embedded landmarks for events happening off-campus.

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