THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library: Sept. 12-18

Hope to see you at any or all of these events!

Monday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m.:  Selections from Treasure Island with Caledonia Skytower

Tuesday, Sept.13 at 7 p.m.: I See Stories in Your Future: Fortune telling stories

Wednesday, Sept.14 at 7 p.m.: More Zombies vs Unicorns with Marian Dragovar

Thursday, Sept.15 at 7 p.m.:  Egyptian Myths and Legends with  Chief Seanchai Shandon Loring

Sunday, Sept.18 at 3 p.m.: Legends of the Celtic Saints (in the Chapel near Seanchai Library)

And join us at these 'off campus' events too!

Sunday, September 18 at noon: AARRrrr!!  Pirate Stories at Fruit Islands
Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribos.  They are located in the Library, just run in and touch them; or join our group, the Seanchai Library. 

All stories in voice, and this month to benefit the charity Susan G. Komen for the Cure.  Have questions?  IM or notecard Derry McMahon, Librarian

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