THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library

 We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life

... and other virtual worlds



All times slt/Pacific Time.
Story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

The Seanchai Library is located at 
*SUNDAY, August 15th ,  at 1:30pm: TEATIME at The Movies: "The Thin Man."  Join Corwyn Allen, Gloriana Maertens, Caledonia Skytower, Kayden Oconnell, Da5id Abbot,  & Elrik Merlin for a backyard festival of radio drama versions of some of the finest and well beloved films of the golden age of 20th C cinema. Pretzels provided. FINAL SESSION

*MONDAY, August 16th,  at 7pmScott Westerfield's GOLIATH continues with Gyro Muggins.

*TUESDAY, August 17th 
Both sessions today, in The Glen 

   ~ at NoonRUSSELL EPONYM, Live! with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen.

   ~ at 7pm: Ursula K. LeGuin's DRAGONFLY continues with Willow Moonfire. 

*WEDNESDAY, August 181th at 7pm: Roger Zelazny's CREATURES OF LIGHT & DARKNESS continues with Corwyn Allen, live on stream.   

*THURSDAY, August 19th at 7pm: Selections from THE BOOK OF DRAGONS (ed. by Jonathan Strahan) with Finn Zeddmore

*FRIDAY, August 20th at 2:30pm: Terry Pratchett's UNSEEN ACADEMICALS 
Concludes with Caledonia Skytower at the Seanchai lanai-firecircle (90 minutes).

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  
All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower                                                                              

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