
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds

All stories told in open voice, all times Pacific Time 

*Saturday, April 2nd at 1:00PM -  @CRAZY EIGHTS ON LEA 9 in SL - READING POETRY WORKSHOP with Aoife Lorefield.  Have you ever been intimidated by a poem?  Do you read poetry and want to sharpen you skills?  Join Aoife at the Storytellers' Workshop near the main landing zone at Crazy Eights for an helpful hour of tips and suggestions.

*Sunday, April 3rd:
         ~  At 1:30PM -  @CRAZY EIGHTS ON LEA 9 in SL - TEA TIME AT BAKER STREET! This Week: "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton" with Kayden, John, and Caledonia.

        ~  At 3PM - STORIES AT THE PARK - Short stories and poems inspired by the artworks currently on exhibition at Holly Kai's Art at the Park outdoor gallery.  Kayden and Caledonia present their original works.

*Monday, April 4that 7 pm -  @CRAZY EIGHTS ON LEA 9 in SL Featured Book Series #3 begins with Harlan Thompson's SILENT RUNNING, with Gyro Muggins.  Come a little early to find your way into the "Valley Forge" now docked at LEA 9

*Tuesday, April 5that 7 pm  Pam Munoz Ryan's ECHO concludes with Caledonia Skytower

*Wednesday, April 6th  Night Off

*Thursday, April 7th,

       ~ a7 pm  INTERNATIONAL DRAGON STORIES with Shandon Loring

       ~ At 9 pm  SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT with Finn Zeddmore

*Friday, April 8th @ Noon  @ SEANCHAI KITELY EXPLORE Anton Chekhov & the Absurd opens to the public (Moe info later in the week)

Stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray at Bradley University  in Second Life, unless otherwise noted in the listing. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library (SL) are offered free to all Residents.  Guests at Second Life sessions are welcome to join us in donating to our featured charity.  Our March - April featured charity is 
Project Children, building peace in Ireland one child at a time.

Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower

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