

It's Spring and we are out about the SL grid on Sunday, sharing stories and enjoying the season ...

1:30pm TEA TIME at Baker Street
"The Return of Sherlock Holmes" continues as Seanchai Library presents all 13 adventures in the collection in the LEA 9 221b Lounge, concluding at May's ending.

THIS WEEK: "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton"
Holmes is hired by the débutante Lady Eva Blackwell to retrieve compromising letters from a blackmailer: Milverton, who causes Holmes more revulsion than any of the 50-odd murderers in his career. Milverton is "the king of blackmailers" and he makes his living out of blackmail.

In the Baker Street Arena.  Enter the door to 221b and join the happy Tea Time crew.

3 pm "Stories at the Park" ~ Holly Kai Park
Kayden and Caledonia share stories and poetry written for the exhibition at Holly Kai Park's Art in the Park outdoor gallery which currently features the work of visiting artists Io Bechir, Goodcross, Hana Hoo, Mistero Hifeng and Sisse Singh.

Join us in the stone gazebo (just up the hill from the landing point) surrounded by virtual nature and art. Consider coming a few minutes early, or plan to linger after and explore the sculpture, painting, and photographic art of the featured artists.  

Check Out Inara Pey's Preview of Stories at the Park at Living in a Modemworld

Presented live in voice.

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