
TUESDAY, August 8th @ 7pm: August PotPourri @ Seanchai Continues

@ Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM Live in The Glen! Join him for an hour of great originals, beloved interpretations, and a few stories - "from baroque to folk and beyond!"

@ 7pm More "Tails" from James Herriot

Fayleen Bellois returns with more stories of people and their furry companions from the the short works of James Herriot.

James Alfred Wight OBE FRCVS, better known by his pen name James Herriot, was a British veterinary surgeon and author. Wight graduated from Glasgow Veterinary College in 1939, returning to England to become a veterinary surgeon in Yorkshire, where he practiced for almost 50 years. He is best known for writing a series of eight books set in the 1930s–1950s Yorkshire Dales about veterinary practice, animals, and their owners, which began with If Only They Could Talk, first published in 1970. Over the decades, the series of books has sold some 60 million copies.

TONIGHT: Triki Woo and Mrs. Pomphrey in "A Triumph of Surgery" ... and time allowing... "Alfred: The Sweet Shop Cat."

Presented, Live in Voice.

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