
THURSDAY, August 11th: Wit & Adventure on the Story Floor

 @7pm - KEEP IT BRIEF with R. Dismantled

One of Seanchai Library's oldest friends and supporters returns to the Story Floor to "Keep It Brief" sharing 100 word stories from his vast canon of compositions.  

Always unpredictable and irreverent, no subject is too sacred, no cow too holy for R. not to pull it out, examine it, and bang it on the table a few times before putting it back where he found it - albeit slightly crumpled. Long ago, he swore an oath to write a 100 word story every day until the day he died. He's not dead yet. And no, he never has opinions!

 @9pm - SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT  with Finn Zeddmore

Finn returns to her late night SL slot with more Sci-Fi short stories from a variety of sources. What adventure will she take us on this time?

Both sessions presented live, in SL Voice at the Main Seanchai Library space.

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