
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

 We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life

... and other virtual worlds



All times slt/Pacific Time.
Story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.

The Seanchai Library is now located at 

*SUNDAY - October 11th, 1:30pm: TEA TIME with "The Shadow"  episodes from the classic radio show at The Ledge Story and Dance Space, at Haunted Hollow.  There will be a teleport from the main landing point. NOTE: While Isle of Joy is an adult region, none of the content of Haunted Hollow is adult in nature. 

*MONDAY - October 12th 7pm: Alan Dean Fosters RUNNING FROM THE DEITY begins with Gyro Muggins.

*TUESDAY, October 13th: 
Both of today's events will be in The Glen

    ~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live! with music, and poetry in Ceiluradh Glen, live on stream. 

    ~ at 7pm: Neil Gaiman's ODD AND THE FROST GIANTS concludes with Willow Moonfire, live on stream.

*WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 7pm : Ray Bradbury's THE HALLOWEEN TREE continues with Shandon, Faerie, and Caledonia, live on stream at HAUNTED HOLLOW. There will be a teleport from the main landing point. 

 *THURSDAY, October 15th7pm:  THE BOOK OF KINDLY DEATHS  Shandon presents Eldritch Back's unique tome. (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

*SATURDAY - October 17th, 1pm: TALES AT THE HOLLOW: Baba Yaga   Caledonia shares adventures from Folk lore, and some more modern version, of the famed Russian Witch, at Haunted Hollow.  There will be a teleport from the main landing point. NOTE: While Isle of Joy is an adult region, none of the content of Haunted Hollow is adult in nature. 


All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  
All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

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