
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds


All times Pacific Time, 
story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.
Finn Zeddmore shared stories from her local haunts on Halloween Eve
*MONDAY - November 4th, at 7pm:  Spider Robinson and Robert Heinlein's VARIABLE STAR concludes with Gyro Muggins.

*TUESDAY, November 5th, at 7pm:  WHAT'S COOKIN'? - Favorite Food Stories & Recipe Exchange with Caledonia Skytower and friends. Tonight we share favorite food stories, and everyone is invited to bring some of their favorite recipes to share, on notecard.

*WEDNESDAY, November 6th, at 7pm: STORIES FROM HOME, the Seanchai Library staff celebrate this "homey-est" of months by sharing local tales from the various regions of the corporeal world where they live, or have lived: the American Southwest, the Klondike, the Puget Sound, and more. You are invited to recommend stories from your home as well.

November 7th, a7pm: JULIUS CAESAR - A Novelization of Shakespeare's Play with Shandon Loring  (Also in Kitely!  Find teleport from the main Seanchai World

We're pleased to announce that The Raven Chamber Listening Room will remain open, by popular demand. Check the post for more information on that specific feature.

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

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