
SUNDAY, March 31st at 1:30pm slt: TEA TIME ~ Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Hits Continues

Today we present the second of the top four Sherlock Holmes' Adventures from our recent poll: THE ADVENTURE OF THE MUSGRAVE RITUAL from "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894).

In the story, Holmes recounts to Watson the events arising after a visit from a university acquaintance, Reginald Musgrave. Musgrave visits Holmes after the disappearance of two of his domestic staff, Rachel Howells, a maid, and Richard Brunton, the longtime butler. The pair vanished after Musgrave had dismissed Brunton for secretly reading a family document, the Musgrave Ritual. 

Our presentation today will have a little twist - all in support of gender equity.  Come have a listen as Cale and Savi read Holmes and Watson!

Da5id Abbot, Corwyn Allen, Savanah Blindside, and Caledonia Skytower, live on stream in the Library's Fireside Room. 

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