
TUESDAY, December 4th: Events at Both The Dickens Project & on Holly Kai

It's a big day with lots of possibilities for story-full experiences:

@ Noon in Dickens Square at The Dickens Project: RUSSELL EPONYM with Music, Stories, and Poetry, live in stream.

@6PM in the CVL Resource Center at The Dickens Project: VCARA Reads! "The Christmas Tree" The Community Virtual Library and SJSU's VCARA program present their first ever storytelling event.

@7PM back home at Seanchai Library: EVERYTHING ON A WAFFLE
Faerie Maven-Pralou presents the conclusion of Polly Horvath's award-winning tale of an orphan and
a singularly unique restaurant. Kate Bowzer, the owner of The Girl on the Red Swing (a restaurant where everything is served on a waffle) takes Primrose under her wing. She teaches her how to cook, doesn’t patronize or chastise her, even when she puts her guinea pig too close to the oven and it catches fire. And so Primrose, in her own perceptive way, develops wisdom beyond her years and a belief system we could all do well to adopt – including the idea that hope is not crazy. Presented live in Voice.

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