
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Libraries

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds

All times Pacific Time, 
story events in Voice unless otherwise noted.
The action moves to Baskerville Hall as "The Hound of the Baskervilles" continues
*SUNDAY, September 16th at 1:30pm: TEA TIME at Baker Street: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Episode 3- Corwyn Allen, Kayden Oconnell, David Abbot, and Caledonia Skytower, live in voice. 

*MONDAY, September 17th at 7pm: Ellen Anthony's MURDER IS BLISS  continues with Gyro Muggins. Multiple murders including that of an old friend, entangle policeman Jasper Stone in a web of danger. Set in an underground city of the future, we are pleased to welcome friend Gracee Andel's Sci Fi Detective adventure to the story floor.

*TUESDAY, September 18th at 7pm:  Katherine Applegate's WISHTREE continues with Faerie Maven-Pralou

*WEDNESDAY, September 19th at 7pm: INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!  Come along and celebrate with all the scurvy dogs on the good ship "Seanchai" ... possible celebratory cruise to follow for those brave enough to endure one of Captain Cale's sailing expeditions!

*THURSDAY, September 20th at 7pm - More from Richard Ratay's DON'T MAKE ME PULL OVER! with Caledonia Skytower. (TBD in kitely)

Arrrr! The Good times we've had on this most auspicious of days. Come along!

All sessions held at the Seanchai Library in Second Life unless otherwise indicated. 
Stories in voice. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to all Residents.  Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

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