
TUESDAY, June 20th at 7pm: THE ORDINARY PRINCESS Begins!

Faerie Maven-Pralou begins MM Kaye’s 2002 novel.

In true fairytale style, the seventh princess is blessed with gifts by a host of fairies, but as her father fears, it goes wrong and one slightly bitter fairy ‘blesses’ her with ordinariness.

So no golden curls, stunning beauty and sublime grace for Princess Amethyst Alexandra Augusta Araminta Adelaide Aurelia Anne. Her dark hair and freckles make Amy (no ordinary princess can be called anything else) stop every suitor from pursuing her. She decides to run away and make her own life, away from boring princes and a confined life.

A life in the forest is bliss, but eventually Amy realizes she will need some money, and must find work. So it is that she becomes the fourteenth assistant kitchen maid at a neighboring palace. And there  – much to everyone’s surprise – she meets a prince just as ordinary (and special) as she is!

Faerie Maven-Pralou, live in voice.

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