
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds

Everyone getting into "The Stone Age" with Shandon
All stories told in open voice, 
all times Pacific Time 

*Sunday, March 5th, at 1:30pm: TEA TIME MYSTERIES: featuring Dame Agatha Christie begins "Four and Twenty Blackbirds" and "Wasps' Nest" with Corwyn, Kayden, Cale, and John.

*Monday, March 6th, at 7 pm: CRUCIBLE OF TIME Concludes with Gyro Muggins

*Tuesday, March 7th, at 7 pm: Ray Blount Jr's SAVE ROOM FOR PIE - Continues with Kayden Oconnell

*Wednesday, March 8th at 7 pm:  James Finn Garner's POLITICALLY CORRECT BEDTIME STORIES Continues with Faerie Maven-Pralou

*Thursday, March 9th 
         ~ at 7pm: IS THAT YOU BOY! by Noel Magnier - More Adventures with Shandon Loring (also presented in Kitely)
         ~ at 9pm: SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT with Finn Zeddmore (in SL only) - Contemporary Science Fiction.

Gyro immerses himself in "The Crucible of Time" - tentacles and all!

Stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray at Bradley University  in Second Life, unless otherwise noted in the listing. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library (SL) are offered free to all Residents.  Guests at Second Life sessions are welcome to join us in donating to our featured charity for March -April, Project Children, building peace in Ireland one child at a time.

Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

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