
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds

All stories told in 
open voice, 
all times Pacific Time 

The 221B Lounge photographed when it opened in Februiary, by Inara Pey

*Sunday, November 27th, at 1:30 pm - TEA TIME at Baker Street concludes at the University of Washington iSchool: THE SIGN OF FOURCLICK HERE for slurl

*Monday, November 28th, at 7 pm -  VERSUS a tongue and cheek story from a series about a Witch who writes Romance Novels as a way to pay the bills. She and her 300 year old vampire boyfriend encounter a bit more trouble than rumors and backbiting at a Halloween party for people in her writers' guild.  Gyro Muggins, and Trolley Trollop share the adventure.

*Tuesday, November 29that 7 pm -  Robert Beatty's SERAFINA AND THE TWISTED STAFF continues with  Caledonia Skytower

*Wednesday, November 30that 7 pm - TBA
*Thursday, December 1st: 
         ~ at 7pm: JOULUTARINA, This is the story of how an orphan called Nikolas became Santa Claus by author Julie Lane, with Shandon Loring
         ~ at 9pm: SEANCHAI LATE NIGHT, Contemporary Sci-Fi with Finn Zeddmore.

Coming Soon! The Dickens Project 2016, this year held in the event area on Water Haven
Stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray at Bradley University  in Second Life, unless otherwise noted in the listing. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life rolls sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library (SL) are offered free to all Residents.  Guests at Second Life sessions are welcome to join us in donating to our October- December featured charity is the Reach Out and Read.  Reach Out and Read gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.

Have questions? Send a notecard to Caledonia Skytower

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