
THIS WEEK at Seanchai Library, and more . . .

SATURDAY, at 9am Pacific in Seanchai Kitely ~ 
Maurice Walsh is probably best known as the author of "The Quiet Man", which was made into an award-winning feature film in 1951 starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara.  Walsh wrote many tales of post Black & Tan War Ireland, all are political, but mostly they are romances that go straight to the heart of modern Ireland.

Caledonia presents from Walsh's works, live in voice at the "White O' Morn" Cottage on Glen Island - Seanchai Homeworld

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life
... and other virtual worlds

Events at Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT/Pacific Time:

Saturday, August 23rd at 9am IN SEANCHAI KITELY -  THE HEART OF IRELAND from the Short Stories of Maurice Walsh,  with Caledonia Skytower.

Sunday, August 24th at 

  • 1:30pm -  TEA TIME at Baker Street  THIS WEEK: "The Adventure of the Creeping Man"
  • 6 pm - MAGICLAND STORYTIME: "Summer Magic" at Magicland Park with Caledonia

Monday, August 25h at 7 pm -  FAR FROM HOME, with Gyro Muggins.  THIS WEEK: "The People: No Different Flesh"  by Zenna Henderson,  Concludes

Tuesday, August 26h  at 7 pm - THE SEA FAIRIES Continues with Faerie Maven-Pralou

Wednesday, August 27th at  7 pm  More Selections from CHESTNUT STREET with Caledonia Skytower

Thursday, August 28th at:  
  • 4 pm  -  FREDA IN PROGRESS with Freda Frostbite
  • 7 pm  -  THE MINOTAUR Concludes with Shandon Loring

All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to Second Life (c) Residents.  Guests are welcome to join us in donating to our featured charity Our featured charity for July-August is WildAid (  WildAid's mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetimes They operate six different programs focusing on elephants, rhinos, sharks, tigers, marine protection, and climate change.

Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.

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