
THIS WEEK AND MORE at Seanchai Library

In addition to announcing the line up for next week, we have a some other great announcements!

We are on facebook now!  You can keep current on stories, our emerging presence in Kitely, be an active part of the conversation, and share the Seanchai experience with your friends!  Click Here to check it out!

Those of you who were fortunate enough to hear Faerie's tribute to Seanchai at the Birthday Celebration were, of course, moved by the power and honesty of her words.  Faerie has agreed to let us publish the text here on our site, and it has its own page!

Those folks who think that virtual worlds are just about internet porn and gaming need to read this!  Virtual worlds are also a tool/platform for self-expression and self-discovery. They don't replace living and breathing in the "real world" but they can and DO have positive effects on people's lives. Click on the Happy Birthday Seanchai! tab to read her story.  Thank you so much for the honor, dearest Faerie!

We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life.

Events at Seanchai Library this week - all stories told in open voice, all times SLT:

Sunday, April 6th at 1:30 pm - TEA TIME at Baker Street -  "His Last Bow: An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes" with Caledonia Skytower, Corwyn Allen, and Kayden Oconnell.

Monday, April 7th at 7 pm -  FROM AN ALIEN POINT OF VIEW: "SKitty" Concludes with Gyro Muggins

Tuesday, April 8th at 7 pm - THE GIRL WHO CIRCUMNAVIGATED FAIRYLAND IN A SHIP OF HER OWN MAKING  Concludes with Faery Maven Pralou

Wednesday, April 9th at  7 pm  TIR NA N'OG Continues  with Caledonia Skytower

Thursday, April 9th at:  
  • 4 pm -   THE BALLAD OF DONNY GRAINGER with Freda Frostbite
  • 7 pm  -  GERAINT, SON OF ERBIN, Pt 2 (from the Mabonogion) with Shandon Loring

All stories in voice and take place at Seanchai Libray on Imagination Island, unless otherwise noted. Schedule subject to change, because that is just how life is sometimes.  

All sessions at the Seanchai Library are offered free to Second Life (c) Residents.  Guests are welcome to join us in donating to our featured charity. Our featured charity for March - April is Project Children: building true and lasting peace in Northern Ireland one child at a time.  Learn more about them at .

Have questions? IM or notecard Caledonia Skytower.

Want to get schedule information and reminders in-world? Feel free to join the Seanchai or Stories Unlimited! subscribers. They are located in the library, just run in and touch them.

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