
TUESDAY, April 23rd at 7PM: Brokali & Microfiction!

Other names for micro fiction include sudden fiction, flash fiction, micro-story, short short, postcard fiction and short short story, though distinctions are sometimes drawn between some of these terms; for example, sometimes one-thousand words is considered the cut-off between "flash fiction" and the slightly longer short story "sudden fiction". The terms "micro fiction" and "micro narrative" are sometimes defined as below 300 words. The term "short short story" was the most common term until about 2000, when "flash fiction" overtook it.  Confused yet?  Worry not - Brokali will clear that all up and help you laugh along the way.

MicroFiction is loosely defined as anything that is 2000 words or less (not to be confused with Drabble which is 100 words).  Brokali shares his delightful sense of humor and his dedication to this form with a buffet of micro gems, Presented Live in Voice.

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