
MONDAY, February 18th @ 7pm: GREAT SPEECHES for President's Day

Not all great leaders are great speakers. Luckily, over the years the few that have been have made a remarkable impact on lives, societies, and the causes they championed. Tonight Shandon, Kayden, and Caledonia share a few of those great moments of words that changed minds, hearts, and nations.

Great oratory, great speeches, are brought into being in answer to, or because of, even greater moments in history and time. Often these moments will juxtapose man’s worth and honor, against horrors, evil, and injustice. Sometimes though, the greatest speeches are simply commentaries on a people or a culture, that bring greatness and remembrance of that speech by the truths they contain.  Tonight we feature a selection of the words of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, John F. Kennedy and more.

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