
SUNDAY, August 1st at 5:00pm: Lughnasadh! A New Exhibit

Continuing our exploration of the great Celtic Festivals, Aoife Lorefield has created "Lughnasadh: First Fruits" - the newest exhibit at the WOI Library.

Lughnasadh marked the beginning of the harvest season, the Harvest of Grain (Bread), the ripening of first fruits (usually berries), and was traditionally a time of community gatherings, market festivals, horse races and reunions with distant family and friends. Among the Irish it was a favored time for handfastings — trial marriages that would generally last a year and a day, with the option of ending the contract before the new year, or later formalizing it as a more permanent marriage. (from Wikipedia)

Join Aoife at the library to dedicate the new exhibit and to learn more about this fascinating tradition. Presented Live in voice.

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