Tonight's story, "A Christmas Memory" is a largely autobiographical story, which takes place in the 1930s, and describes a period in the lives of the seven-year-old narrator and an elderly woman who is his distant cousin and best friend. The evocative narrative focuses on country life, friendship, and the joy of giving during the Christmas season, and it also gently yet poignantly touches on loneliness and loss.
Truman Capote --- the controversial and tiny, child-voiced man of a mega-writer who needs no introduction. His work still resonates with the deadly Southern charm of making love to a sexy stranger during a sudden summer downpour.
A reader must make his or her own way in these lonely Alabama and Louisiana evenings, accompanied by diamond guitars, lost ladies, childhood bullies, soda shops, society types, bad parents, great Christmases, fearful hidings, identity issues, and American dreams both broken and realized.
The evening will be rounded out with stories from John B. Keane's "An Irish Christmas Feast," all presented live in voice by Shandon Loring.